ProStructures CONNECT Edition Configuration

Working with the Configuration Setup

The ProStructures product delivery includes several workspaces that reflect the structural modeling and detailing practices of a country or region. A minimal workset is included in each workspace. While this setup is sufficient to run ProStructures, tailoring it for your organization will be beneficial.

Take Advantage of WorkSets

One way to think of a workset is as the complete configuration setup for a design and its outputs.

The names of the current workspace and workset are recorded in the design file so the setup can be verified the next time the design file is opened. When the verification fails, an alert box is opened so that you must make a deliberate decision to open the design file with a different configuration.

The default folder layout for a workset includes a subfolder for design files and a subfolder for output files. (See the end of the table in Appendix E - Default Configuration Folder Layout.) The default layout demonstrates a good practice-keep a workset's design and output files together yet separate from all other worksets' design and output files.

Creating a New WorkSet

WorkSets are best created within ProStructures from the Work page. See the help on the Work page for more information.

Note: Because of a program limitation, it is recommended that workset names be unique for the whole configuration (vs. unique in the parent workspace).

After a workset is created, you can extend it for ProStructures.

  1. Create an empty ProStructures subfolder in the Standards folder, e.g. workSetName\Standards\ProStructures\.
  2. Create an empty text file named application.cfg in the ProStructures subfolder. This .cfg file is where ProStructures-specific configuration variables are set for the workset.
Note: ProStructures ensures its output folders exist when opening a design file so those folders do not need to be created with the workset. ProStructures looks up the current values for the following configuration variables to do the tests:

Customizing a WorkSet

The default ProStructures output folders are subfolders of the workset output folder. To change an output folder name and/or its location, add the related configuration variable to the ProStructures-specific configuration file for the workset—typically, workSetName\Standards\ProStructures\application.cfg.

Using the Delivered WorkSpaces

If you work in the delivered workspaces, be aware that all files delivered with the product-modified or not-are removed by the uninstaller and are overwritten by a reinstall and by new releases. You will need to back up and restore modified files if you want to preserve your changes.

Creating a New WorkSpace

Best practice is to create your own ProStructures-extended workspace(s). The easy way to start is to copy a delivered ProStructures-extended workspace.

  1. In configurationInstallationFolder\Configuration\WorkSpaces\, copy existingName.cfg to newName.cfg to create the workspace .cfg file.
  2. Also in the WorkSpaces folder, create a subfolder named newName. This is the root folder for the new workspace.
  3. 4. Copy the WorkSpaces\existingName\Standards\ folder and its contents to the newName folder. The result is a populated WorkSpaces\newName\Standards\ folder that includes ProStructures data files.
  4. Create an empty WorkSets subfolder in the newName folder. This is the root folder for all worksets in the new workspace.
  5. See Creating a New WorkSet for creating worksets in the new workspace.

Customizing a WorkSpace

What you did to customize a dataset (localization) and Rebar detailing project in V8i is still part of customizing a ProStructures-extended workspace in the CONNECT Edition-creating or modifying

  • Text files for part, plate, and process descriptions and user EEDs.
  • Databases for materials, bracing, various connection types, and dispatch cells.
  • Templates for sets of default values for dialogs.
  • Styles and style lists for bolts, welds, details, and position and elevation flags.
  • Custom symbols and assemblies for workframe labels, position and elevation flags, handrail posts, stair steps, and many others.
  • Specifications for details.
  • Defaults for rebar detailing.
  • Templates for partlists/bill of materials.

Overriding Product Data Files

The common data files in the product folder are available to all workspaces through the default setting of the related configuration variables. Customizing a workspace includes overriding or supplementing the common data files when the common files are inadequate.

Type Description
File Type When the related configuration variable is a File type, put the replacement file in the workspace and add statements like the following to workSpaceName\Standards\ProStructures\application.cfg:
The replacement file can be created by copying the common data file and modifying it for the workspace.
Directory Type When the related configuration variable is a Directory type, put the replacement files in a workspace folder and add a statement like the following to workSpaceName\Standards\ProStructures\application.cfg:
If some of the common files are still pertinent, copies of the files should be added to the workspace folder.
Directory List Type When the related configuration variable is a Directory List type, put the replacement and/or supplemental files in a workspace folder and add a statement like one of the following to workSpaceName\Standards\ProStructures\application.cfg:
The first statement replaces the common data files with a workspace-specific set. The second statement makes both the workspace and common data files available to ProStructures. When a file in the workspace has the same name as a common data file, the workspace file effectively replaces the common file.
File List Type When the related configuration variable is a File List type, the default variable setting typically involves a wild card, e.g. *.mdb. The file list can be trimmed using a statement like the following in workSpaceName\Standards\ProStructures\application.cfg:
  • PS_BOLTDATABASES = $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)MechanicalFasteners/Bolts/DinBolts.mdb
The file list may also be augmented. Put supplemental files in the workspace and add them to the list using a statement like the following in application.cfg:
  • PS_BOLTDATABASES < $(_PS_WORKSPACEROOT)MechanicalFasteners/Bolts/*.mdb
Enhanced Directory List Type When the related configuration variable is an Enhanced Directory List type, the default variable setting typically includes a wild card for the leaf folder, e.g. …/xxx/*/. The directory list can be trimmed using a statement like the following in workSpaceName\Standards\ProStructures\application.cfg
  • PS_USERSHAPES = $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Shapes/UserShapes/Jansen*/
The directory list may also be augmented to include folders in the workspace. Add statements like the following in application.cfg:
  • PS_USERSHAPES < $(_PS_WORKSPACEROOT)Shapes/UserShapes/*/
  • PS_USERSHAPES > $(_PS_WORKSPACEROOT)Shapes/MyCatalogs/*/

Overriding Default Behaviors

Some aspects of ProStructures are controlled through configuration variables, e.g. should shape profiles be loaded form the Structural Property Catalog? Customizing a workspace may include overriding the default values for Boolean and Keyword type configuration variables.

Note: When the workspace is Imperial units-based, be sure the following statement is in workSpaceName\Standards\ProStructures\application.cfg:
  • _PS_UNITSSYSTEM = Imperial